I just learned today about the new partnership between Slavik Kryklyvyy and Daria Chesnokova. They will be representing the US.
They were supposed to be at Blackpool competing in the Professional Latin division at Blackpool but they were a no show!
Apparently they had performed at the Sunshine State Dancesport Championships in Miami at the end of April and performed three dances. However although the MC had said they would return to perform more dances, apparently they just left.
A person on Dance Forums says:
they only danced 3 dances and received a standing ovation for Rumba, after doing Cha Cha and Samba......however, in the middle of the 5 dance show, they announced that Slavik and Daria were coming back after a costume change and would be back out (also note that never at any point did Slavik and Daria get a final send off from the MC....they never said anything more about why Daria and Slavik weren't coming back out, everything just ended and I asked a few people why they didn't come back out and you just got kind of a shrug, no explanation....
It was very strange, even now I never found out what happened, but I kind of felt something happened right in the middle of the show...Then Daria and Slavik are registered for these comps and now the whole partnership is supposedly off...
However, according to their respective Facebook statuses, they are both a romantic couple.
In my opinion, I think the two most talented guys in in the Pro Latin division are Slavik and Franco! Hopefully we find out what soon whether or not they will be back to compete!
Franco and Slavik should just dance with each other!
ReplyDeleteThere's a video up of them dancing together! Indeed they would make a fabulous couple! :)